Chinedu Nwoye

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AI Research Scientist, BS.c., MS.c.2, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral research fellow at ICube Lab, IHU Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, France.


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Ongoing projects

Activity recognition for tool-tissue interaction understanding

  • Collate and create datasets of surgical videos labeled as triplets <instrument, verb, target> for detailed and fine-grained modeling of surgical activities.
  • Develop deep learning models based on multi-task learning, weak supervision, and attention/transformer for surgical action triplet detection.
  • Develop standard python library “ivtmetrics”- open source, now available as pip & conda python package installers for public use.
    project page datasets publication 1
    publication 2 int’l challenge 1 int’l challenge 2

IVTMETRICS: Open source project on triplet performance metrics

  • Design algorithm for the unified evaluation of state-of-the-arts methods on surgical action triplet recognition and detection.
  • Build python package library for the evaluation metrics
  • Host and deploy metrics for all OS platforms.
    project page publication GitHub

Surgical tool tracking for context-aware intraoperative assistance

  • Building deep learning models for surgical instrument tracking in endoscopic videos, achieved by modeling spatial localization and temporal consistency in moving images in a video using weak supervision.
  • Resultant app now integrated in the NVIDIA Holoscan SDK App.
    project page publication applications news

Completed projects

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